Harry Lennix Confirms Snyder Cut Will Officially Debut Martian Manhunter

Article by Kevin M. Gallagher, Jr

While speaking with Collider, Harry Lennix confirmed that he will be the Martian Manhunter in Zack Snyder’s Justice League. This appearance will officially reveal that his character, last seen in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, General Swanwick, is actually J’onn J’onzz. Lennix explained that he had no idea of his character’s secret identity when he was originally cast in Man of Steel. He wasn’t even clued in during BvS; it was when Justice League was in development that he finally found out. Even then, as per Lennix:

I never saw the script. I didn’t get a chance to read the script, because… they were still being developed, and they keep all of that under lock and key.

Unfortunately, his filming schedule on The Blacklist made it so he couldn’t film any scenes prior to Snyder leaving the film, but that will all change with the Snyder Cut! Lennix is beyond ecstatic about playing one of the founding members of the Justice League:

It’s going to be great to be up there with Batman and Superman and my pals. Yeah, I’m once again like a kid at a candy store.

Lennix’s full interview with Collider is below.

The Snyder Cut won’t be the first time we’ll see the Martian Manhunter in live-action. Created by writer Joseph Samachson and artist Joe Certa, the character first appeared in Detective Comics #255 in 1955. Despite how long he’s been around, we’ve only seen him in live-action a handful of times. Most notably, played by Phil Morris in Smallville and by David Harewood in the Berlantiverse (mainly in Supergirl).

Are you excited to see J’onn J’onzz officially be revealed in the Snyder Cut? Would you like to see Harry Lennix portray the character in further DCEU films? Let us know in the comments below!

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