Margot Robbie has No Update on ‘Birds of Prey’ Sequel

Article by Adam Poncharoensub

Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) recently trended on Twitter as the highest grossing comic book movie of 2020. Primarily due the lack of theatrical releases this year, BoP managed to be one of the few comic book movies to hit theatres. Released on February 7, 2020, it managed a nearly full theatrical run before the world had to shut down due to the pandemic. Despite a modest box office take, it still turned a profit. Unfortunately, even with the current buzz, there’s still been no update on any Birds of Prey sequel.

Star of BoP, and the One Harley Quinn, Margot Robbie spoke with The Hollywood Reporter recently. She, along with her production partners, mostly spoke about their production company, LuckyChap Entertainment. In the interview, they discussed the formation of their company and their strategy. It’s a fascinating read about a group of smart, ambitious, and wayward 20-somethings who pursued their dreams. While the interview itself is inspiring, one very short answer broke my heart. It will likely will do the same for any fans of BoP.

Will there be a sequel of Birds of Prey?

The interviewer decided to ask about the possibility of a BoP sequel and to the dismay of this writer and seemingly Robbie herself, she had a very succinct answer:

I don’t know. Nothing imminent at this stage, nothing worth mentioning.

In case you weren’t aware, LuckyChap produced BoP. If the star/producer doesn’t know, it’s likely not going to happen for a while, if at all. Currently, there’s no update on a Birds of Prey sequel. However, it could just be that it’s still too early for talks. Perhaps this interview was conducted before it start trending? I don’t know, I’m just holding onto hope. BoP is criminally underrated. I want a sequel desperately.

While that’s unfortunate news, I’ll leave you with a quote from Robbie. I feel it accurately portrays how she feels about film. When asked about WB’s current strategy of simultaneously releasing movies to movie theatres and streaming and whether everyone will be compensated fairly, Robbie answered:

All we can do is come back to, “Why are we doing this in the first place?” If we were money-oriented people, we’d probably be working in a different industry. For us, it’s the excitement of telling stories and being on sets and giving people a platform, and stuff like [the Warner Bros. news] doesn’t change that.

Be still, my heart. These are wonderful people have a genuine passion for film.

Margot Robbie will return as Harley Quinn in James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad. TSS hits theatres and HBO Max on August 6, 2021.

Stay tuned to DKN for more updates.

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