Justice Con 2020: The Saturday Panels

Justice Con 2020

Article by Kendra Hale

Justice Con 2020 started today, and brought with it a menagerie of individuals who directly worked on the JL film, or hand in hand with the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement. Hosted by The Nerd Queens, JUSTICE CON 2020 has many guests appearing, and giving their time to give fans insight on what was going on in the background, and even some voice actors, and Cyborg himself, Ray Fisher.

There was a lot of content on the first day, which culminated in the interview that everyone was waiting for, with the man who helped to bring the live-action DC universe to life, Zack Snyder. Our own Damian Fasciani has an exclusive on the interview with Snyder, which can be found here.

For my part, I’ll be covering a bit about each of the other panels today, which contained some really good, insightful interviews. We get to meet compassionate people like Todd Richheimer, from Ink To The People, as well as having representatives from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention on, discussing their hand in hand approach with the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement, which has resulted so far in over $200,000 raised to expand research, and help communities. With that, and so much more to discuss, let’s hope into the panels themselves.

Todd Richheimer

Richheimer owns the company Ink To The People, which is a t-shirt production company. He worked hand in hand with the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement in their efforts to also contribute and raise money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). They’re also the company behind all the merchandise for Justice Con 2020, from which all sales proceeds will go to the AFSP. Todd gives such a great look at the work he and his team do to help, not only business, but their charity work as well. My favorite part of his interview was his quote of “You can never have enough T-shirts.”

Ray Porter

Ray Porter‘s panel was next, and his opening was probably the best of Saturday’s showing. He opens the interview not with his face but with a Funko POP! Darkseid in front of the camera. I instantly liked him. This panel was full of charm and humor. While he was unable to talk about the look or voice of Darkseid, he was able to talk about his work on the narration of the Sandman audiobooks. He voices amny characters in the realm of the Sandman, and glowed when he got to talk about all the actors he worked with. His experiences were wonderful, especially seeing his pride in the story of how he got to announce to the world that he’ll be the voice of Darkseid in the Snyder Cut.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

The next interview came from a few ambassadors from the AFSP. Ashly Alberto and Doreen Marshall came on and discussed the partnership between the organization and the Snyder movement, and to talk about the work that the AFSP does within the community. Ashly has been an ambassador between the AFSP and the Snyder movement for over 2 years. As stated above, over $200,000 has been raised in the efforts since its inception. Ashly gives insight into the programs, and the research that AFSP provides.

Doreen Marshall gave a great talk on mental health, and just how important that conversation is. She gave the link, which I will leave here, to not only resources, but also to help for those needing it. This panel was so important, given just how close the organization is, not only to the movement, but to the Snyder Family.

Jay Oliva

Jay Oliva is a man of many hats, in this panel he talks about how he came to work with Zack Snyder, as well as other experiences in the industry. To hear him tell it, the hat he wears best is that of story-teller, and that’s evident in this panel. From the start, he tells about how he met Zack Snyder and began working with him. His tale was fun, and full of excitement. Jay has worked with Zack on his live-action films, and was on initial production for Justice League. He was/is an advocate for the #ReleaseTheSnyder movement, and has been quoted for saying how important it is that viewers see the Universe for how it was conceived. His interview is a must-see.

Ray Fisher

One of my favorite panels. Aside from the heart of the Justice Con, Zack Snyder, Ray Fisher came to this panel with so much heart. The panel starts out with Fisher discussing his “Borg Life ” mantra, and explaining just how important it is. Listening to Ray give his take on what the Snyder Release means to him personally was something to behold. His responses were genuine, and hearing his passion for what this historic moment in cinema means, highlighted feelings that resonated throughout each panel. There’s so much love in this project. Fisher says it best when he explains:

It’s about honoring the people who aren’t able to express themselves in the moment.

From his interview, you can absolutely see the embodiment of Cyborg brought to life. A true Super Hero indeed.

A Show Not To Be Missed

That wraps it up for the today’s panels. They were full of passion for a project that, at its heart, holds so much love. It was insightful, and fun to listen to stories from those who’ve been behind the movement to release Snyder’s cut of Justice League. I’m excited for Zack’s plan to bring Ray Fisher in to watch the cut, once it’s completed… that’s a story I’m dying to hear.

What about you, fellow Justice Con 2020 goers? What was your favorite panel? Did you have a favorite story or moment? Let us know in the comments below!

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