Warner Bros. Not Discussing #SchumacherCut of ‘Batman Forever’

Article by Adam Poncharoensub

A few weeks ago, news broke that director Joel Schumacher had passed away from cancer. Known for a diverse resume of movies over several decades of his storied career, Schumacher is known to us Batfans for his take on the Caped Crusader. Following Tim Burton’s departure from the franchise, Schumacher stepped in with Batman Forever and quickly followed with Batman & Robin.  The latter film is still considered the worst in the franchise. It’s well-known, however, that Schumacher’s actual vision for Forever was much different to the theatrical cut that everyone saw. Following the director’s unfortunate passing, rumors started circulating on the Internet of a 170 minute cut of the movie. Unfortunately, it’s been made clear that Warner Bros. is not discussing release of the #SchumacherCut of Batman Forever.

I’m sure you know the history by now, but let’s do a quick recap.

In 2017, Justice League was released, and deemed a critical and commercial failure. It became widely known that this theatrical cut was not the version of the film that Zack Snyder wanted audiences to see. Upon this discovery, fans began a campaign that ran for three years, known as the #ReleasetheSnyderCut movement.

Clearly, moviegoers wanted to see the JL movie that Snyder had originally intended. After years of consistent denial, WB seemingly caved, and in 2021, we will see Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Since then, however, many now seem to think that WB will continue to bend to fan pressure. David Ayer recently started his own movement to release his original cut of Suicide Squad, and now that rumors are circulating of this legendary darker, longer version of Batman Forever, fans want it.

No discussions

Variety reached out to WB to ask if they are considering this version of Batman Forever, and unfortunately, a representative confirmed that Warner Bros. are not considering it at the moment. The rep also cast doubt that the film print would have survived 25 years. While I believe that this is the end of the road for any more discussion about the #SchumacherCut, I should also point out that there could still be further talks later.

Personally, I’d love to see it. Despite its flaws, Forever remains a favorite of mine for its over-the-top camp and entertainment value. It may not be the best movie, but it was certainly fun. In 2015, I wrote a piece in remembrance for its 20th anniversary. Even then, it was common knowledge that the theatrical version was not what Schumacher originally intended. However, I don’t recall talk of an alternate cut, and would love to see it. I’m not holding out any hope, and don’t think you should either.

Would you be interested in seeing the #SchumacherCut? Personally, I think we should all be grateful for the #SnyderCut. and stop demanding more.

Stay tuned to DKN for updates.

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