Fans Speculate on the Origins of the Bat-Symbol

Article by Eric Lee

Fans are theorizing that the Bat-Symbol on the new Batman suit may be the gun that killed the Waynes.

Since director Matt Reeves debuted a first look at the new Batman suit, fans have been analyzing it. One interesting fan theory centers on how the Bat-symbol is actually a broken down version of the gun that killed Bruce Wayne’s parents.

Upon closer examination, we can give some credence to this theory. Notice the mechanical nature of the Bat-Symbol. Furthermore, the wings of the resemble the grips of a gun. The upper wing-tip also seems to be a hammer of the firing mechanism.

The idea that the gun is worn as a symbol appears to reference the recent Detective Comics #1000 story by Kevin Smith and Jim Lee. The tale describes how Bruce Wayne purchased the gun that killed his parents, melted it down, and integrated it into the breastplate in his Bat-suit.

If the latest fan theory is true, then Reeves has taken it one step further by making the actual Bat-symbol the gun, as opposed to a breastplate.

Smith himself took to Twitter to express his excitement. He even went so far as to post a snippet of his own comic, as the story that may have inspired this new detail.

Looking at the Bat-Suit

Overall, the suit looks more utilitarian than previous versions, even the Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight designs. The new suit appears more armored, similar to the character’s look in Arkham Knight. The cowl itself looks like a sewn-up leather mask, making the whole costume appear more handcrafted; implying that this is set early in the Dark Knight’s career, before Wayne had his full resources.

The Batman hits theaters on June 25, 2021 and stars Pattinson, Zoe Kravitz as Selina Kyle, Jeffrey Wright as Commissioner Gordon, Paul Dano as Edward Nashton, Colin Farrell as Oswald Cobblepot, and Andy Serkis as Alfred., pub-9882021783221697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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