Writer Announces New Book about the #ReleasetheSnyderCut Movement

Article by Adam Poncharoensub

Last November marked the 2-year anniversary of Justice League, a turning point for DC Films. It was supposed to be WB’s answer to the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Avengers, in hopes that it would similarly make bank at the box office. Unfortunately, it was an infamous box office bomb and caused WB to scramble and restructure their DC Films. However, as you well know, the story behind JL has become legendary. Re-shoots and a new writer/director gave us a rather butchered version of the supposed original film. Zack Snyder, the original director, had a certain vision for the DC film universe and WB made some alterations to that vision. Fans have been desperately hoping to see a version of JL untouched by Joss Whedon and studio interference. Thus started the #ReleasetheSnyderCut movement. You likely never asked for it, but now we’re getting a new book about the #ReleasetheSnyderCut Movement.

Documenting a movement

On Valentine’s Day, Sean O’Connell, a writer and managing editor over on CinemaBlend.com, a reputable website on pop culture, announced on Twitter his intention to write a new book on the #ReleasetheSnyderCut movement. Take a look at it below:

The whole phenomenon is fairly intriguing. Mostly because of how fan fervor for someone, originally crucified for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, suddenly change to be considered a sainted martyr in the church that is DC Films. Personally, I believe that a documentary lends itself better to explore it all because of the ability to feature interviews with members of cast and crew closely associated with the production, providing better context than in the written word. Also, hopefully just a little bit of footage that might have somehow escaped WB’s clutches (but this is all under the assumption that it even exists, which we still cannot confirm.)

Regardless, I’m curious and hope O’Connell all the best in his journey to document the whole ordeal.

What do you think? Do you think it’s a book that you’d want to read? Or is it something that really wasn’t necessary? Let me know.

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