Review: Justice League Odyssey #16

“Lost and Found”
Writer: Dan Abnett
Artist: Cliff Richards
Color Artist: Rain Beredo
Letterer: AndWorld Design
Review by James Stone

With our heroes lost in space I really enjoyed the opportunity for the pace to slow down and spend some one on one time with Jessica Cruz and Orion in Justice League Odyssey #16.

Following her rebirth, Jessica has been given a new lease on life, and a newfound confidence which she lacked when we first met her on this journey. I’m a big fan of this new assertive and commanding leader and love how she enjoyed a great exchange with Orion in this issue.

DeX-Starr and Blackfire is the other pairing I’m enjoying right now. Their Sharp and harsh personalities don’t clash, but actually compliment each other. This means that every panel they share contains fun, laughs and plenty of sarcasm.


This is a series that hasn’t given the reader much time to breathe, but Justice League Odyssey #16  finally slowed the pace down, if only for a short while. This issue has some great character interaction and built the inevitable conflict with Darkseid to all new levels.

A new character with an interesting past joined the team, and the return of a former Justice League member made the final page a shock… but will they be friend, or foe?

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment, pub-9882021783221697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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