‘Batwoman’ “Tell Me The Truth” Synopsis Released

Article by John Hammond

The CW has released the official synopsis for Batwoman: “Tell Me The Truth'”the seventh episode of the first season. This episode will see the characters working to grapple with the past, and the future, of their relationships. The question of whether a long history means trust will also be asked. Alice apparently gets a new comrade in crime. As we know how dangerous this villain can be, it seems a new villain will enter the fray. As we’ve already seen the Tommy Elliott character, could she be teaming up with Hush? Either way, I’m sure we’ll get to see a bit more of what her goals are for this season.

This episode is also co-written by its showrunner, Caroline Dries, as as the “Crisis” crossover looms. This will be one of the last stories taking us into the event. As we know, Kate/Batwoman will be part of the “Crisis”, so it makes sense for her show to catch up.


LIES AND LOYALTY – Kate (Ruby Rose) and Sophie (Meagan Tandy) must reconcile with their past as Kate questions just how much she can trust her former lover. Kate and Luke (Camrus Johnson) have an encounter with an old friend. Mary (Nicole Kang) grapples with the fate of the Kane family as Catherine (Elizabeth Anweis) seeks Jacob’s (Dougray Scott) help. Alice (Rachel Skarsten) and a new cohort are in on yet another nefarious plan, but her motives are more than they seem. Michael Allowitz directed the episode written by Caroline Dries and Natalie Abrams.

Batwoman: “Tell Me The Truth” will air on 17th November on the CW Network, and will be available to stream on CWTV.com and The CW App the next day.

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