DC Comics Announces New Creative Team for ‘Batman’ to Start in January 2020

Article by Adam Poncharoensub

It’s been a pretty big and remarkable year for Batfans all over. First of all it marked the 1000th issue of Detective Comics, and yesterday, the Dark Knight turned 80. Yes, it’s another huge milestone in Batman’s long and storied history in media that we hope continues another 80 years. We’re also seeing some changes as well. A few months ago, it was announced that fan-favorite scribe Tom King would be leaving Batman. King took over from the great Scott Snyder back in 2016 for DC Rebirth. With King leaving, fans wanted to know exactly who would take up the cape and cowl to continue once again. Yesterday, DC announced the new creative team and they did not disappoint.

Check the press release below:


James Tynion IV, Tony S. Daniel, Danny Miki, and Tomeu Morey Teaming Up for New Adventures of the Dark Knight Beginning in January

All the excitement and celebration surrounding Batman Day and the Dark Knight’s 80th anniversary received an added boost of adrenaline today as a new creative team was announced for DC’s best-selling Batman comic book.

During a book signing and panel discussion at New York’s Barnes & Noble Union Square, DC Publisher Dan DiDio revealed to fans in attendance that in January 2020 the new ongoing team for Batman will feature New York Times bestselling writer James Tynion (pronounced “Tie-Nun”) IV (Justice LeagueJustice League DarkYear of the Villain: Hell Arisen), penciller and main cover artist Tony S. Daniel (BatmanDeathstroke), inker Danny Miki (Superman: Year One), and colorist Tomeu (pronounced “Toe-Meh-Oh”) Morey (BatmanDetective ComicsCatwoman).

Tynion is no stranger to the world of the Dark Knight, having thrilled fans with his work on series such as Detective ComicsBatman Eternal, in addition to Batman and Robin Eternal, and is eager to continue in the tradition of great modern Batman storytellers like Scott Snyder and Tom King.

“I loved writing stories for [Batman] EternalDetective Comics, and even Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but my desire to tell a Batman story, one focusing solely on Bruce Wayne instead of an ensemble, is what drove me back to the Batcave,” said Tynion. “I want to dig deep into the Bat himself and tell an epic story that pushes him to his absolute limits. I want to tell a Batman story like the kinds I grew up loving, one that embraces the horror and gothic elegance of Gotham and dives deep into Batman’s greatest villains.”

For the last ten years, penciler Daniel and colorist Morey have been a formidable art team, especially when it comes to Batman. The team launched the “City of Bane” story arc with writer Tom King, which concludes in December.

A happy Bat-family

“I’ve been fortunate to have contributed quite a bit of my work to Batman over the last twelve years, from working with Grant Morrison on Batman R.I.P. to writing Batman myself to working with Tom King over the last year,” said Daniel. “Each run was amazing and special in its own way. I’m super excited to work with James Tynion IV, and I’m even more excited about what we have in store for Bat-fans everywhere this January.”

“I am very excited about this new stage for Batman and about being able to work with the entire creative team,” said Morey. “Tony manages to create iconic images of Batman that, along with Danny’s inks, will remain memorable to fans everywhere, and I can’t wait to work on stories with James. It’s a great challenge to live up to so much talent, but great motivation, too!”

“I’m totally excited about reuniting with Tony Daniel and Tomeu Morey,” added Miki. “I’m looking forward to returning to Gotham after Batman stories such as Zero YearEndgameAll-Star BatmanI Am Bane, and others. Getting to work on Batman with along with Tony, Tomeu, and James is going to be a great ride! Gotham City is my home and it’s good to be home.”

Tynion, Daniel, Miki, and Morey make their debut with issue #86 of Batman, on sale January 8, 2020.

Join in on social media using the hashtag #BatmanDay, #Batman80, and #LongLiveTheBat. To find out more follow @batman on Instagram and Facebook and @dcbatman on Twitter, and visit Batman80.com.

A new, yet familiar team

Some pretty awesome names with immense talent. all of whom have gained recognition from their past work with Batman. Tony S. Daniel being one of my favorite Batman artists around. Personally, I believe this team is a pretty worthy replacement. What do you think?

Be sure to grab Batman #86 on January 8, 2020 with this new talented creative team.

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