James Gunn Reveals If Batman Will Appear In ‘The Suicide Squad’

Article by Sam McTernan

I think its safe to say that we’re all intrigued to see what James Gunn will bring to the DC universe. The director of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies is helming the next interpretation of The Suicide Squad. We already know a little about his plans, but one thing we don’t? Is the Dark Knight going to make an appearance? Well James Gunn has finally revealed the answer.

First a little context. What? You’re Batman fans, you love a cliffhanger! Margot Robbie is set to return as Harley Quinn, the brilliant Viola Davis as Amanda Waller etc, you get the picture. It also introduces a host of new, and in some cases never before seen, characters… on the big screen anyway. We have Ratcatcher, Polka-Dot Man and Idris Elba in an as yet unknown role. Most importantly, we have a new Batman.

Does any of this factor into the dark knight making an appearance? Over to you James……

Well it’s not a no, but it seems unlikely.

Gunn is making quite a good point here however. If you want a Batman movie, go check out Matt Reeves social media. If you want the Suicide Squad, this is what Gunn’s offering. Also, given that Robert Pattinson is much younger than Batfleck, it just wouldn’t make any sense.

I’m approaching this movie like any other DC production, so will try to enjoy it for what it is. Even if we don’t see the Dark Knight, we will no doubt get references and Easter eggs.

Would you like to see Batman make an appearance? Let us know your thoughts.

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