Epix Releases ‘Pennyworth’ Featurette Providing Overview of Series

Article by Adam Poncharoensub

We’re now a month away from the release of Pennyworth, the quasi-prequel to Gotham. The series follows Alfred Pennyworth, several years before the birth of Bruce Wayne. This version of Alfred is a former member of British Intelligence starting a security company. While we’ve seen plenty of promotion from Epix already, it seems that it’s getting pushed a bit more. Now, Epix have released a Pennyworth featurette with cast and crew interviews.

The gang explains why this series stands apart from other shows set in a comic book universe. While the show still uses characters associated with a superhero, the more fantastic comic book elements won’t be included. Apparently, it’s a story about one of the only “human beings” in the DC universe, as executive producer Bruno Heller explains.

Take a look below:

“We don’t really need the supernatural in Pennyworth.”

I supposed producing a series so far in the past centered around Alfred gives the writers a chance to explore new stories that are oftentimes not told. Therefore, they’re not going to be tied down by canon… at least not that much.

It’s interesting to say the least, but it just makes me wonder if a comic book show can survive without some of the spectacle. Something that Heller and some of the cast pride the series on. Heller, we already know isn’t a huge fan of costumed heroes, so that makes sense.

The series also seems like it will be only tangentially connected to Batman, to draw in a larger audience than just comic book fans. It seems to live in a demographic unfamiliar with Batman mythology similar to the way Gotham deviated from canon. For instance, I know a few people who adore Gotham, but are simply not comic book fans. So, is there a space for these type of TV shows? TV shows that are just barely set in comic book universes aimed at non-comic book fans? Hmmm…

This Pennyworth featurette has intrigued me. What do you think?

Pennyworth premieres on Epix on July 28, 2019.

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