Review: Red Hood Outlaw #32

“Prince of Gotham” – Part 1

Writer: Scott Lobdell
Artist: Stephen Segovia
Color Artist: Rex Lokus
Letterer: ALW Troy Peteri

After catching up on the last issue of Red Hood: Outlaw I was excited to take over reviewing the series. Then I read this issue and I can tell you now, I am thrilled to be here. This is going to be a great ride and I cannot wait to see what’s going to happen next. I may have screamed a few times and flapped my hands around like an idiot. I like to physically show my excitement.

We get to see some classic sassy Jason in this issue and it’s everything I could ever hope for. Lobdell writes with a panache that just screams “Jason Todd” in your face. I adore it. Every page I turned I could feel myself getting more and more invested in the story. This is only part one, a mere set up of whats to come. If Red Hood: Outlaw keeps going like this I have a feeling that my already huge love for this character will skyrocket.

Skating on thin ice, Jason?

Seeing Lobdell write Jay’s different personas really tells you how much talent he has, as nothing seems forced or out of character. It’s just one of the many sides of Jason Todd. I think that making that smooth transition between Red Hood, Jason Todd, and Son of Bruce Wayne is impressive. I can’t wait to see more of all three (four, if we’re including Lobdell).

Can we appreciate that Segovia and Lokus have a fantastic eye for detail? The artwork is just beautiful. I could happily stare at these pages forever. As a result, I keep finding things I didn’t notice before. Your eye is drawn to the background as well as the foreground of the images. I really enjoyed the use of a full page panel, it shows a lot of whats going on and lets you know that either something important is happening, or is just about to. It makes you pay attention.


I am very happy, and I could not praise this issue any more (well I could, but we’d be here for a while). I loved all of it, I cannot wait for more. I’ve only read part one and I already have this massive, goofy grin on my face, just thinking about getting to read the next issue. Lobdell’s work is great and I’m very excited to see where he’s going with this new story arc.

Images Courtesy Of DC Entertainment

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