Jason Momoa Wants to See the Snyder Cut of ‘Justice League’

The #SnyderCut movement just won’t quit. The momentum has slowed significantly since it first cropped up online as WB has outright refused to acknowledge its existence. 

Based on comments from crew members, like storyboard artist Jay Oliva, Snyder’s version of JL very likely does exist. Snyder himself, based on many of his posts on his social media, has consistently teased at his vision for the epic team-up flick. 

While it does not confirm the existence of the #SnyderCut, it does add MUCH more fuel to the fire. (I wish I was clever enough to come up with a pun to incorporate water.) Jason Momoa, Aquaman himself, spoke about Aquaman’s arc following JL. It seems that JL was supposed to be lead directly into James Wan’s Aquaman

A cinematic universe

He set the scene as follows: 

In Zack’s cut, we had it where I was with Vulko and Mera and I say that I have to go home, and they say “There’s a force coming,” and that I need to help. And I’m like “I’m going home to see my dad,” and so I get in the back of a pickup truck, pound a bottle of something, and off he goes, the wanderer, you know what I mean? So that was kind of like the end of Justice League where I was going – and then we cut to me coming home and run into a submarine and bang oh! Then go see pops and I think he’s just going to get rooted again; I think he’s been gone for so long it’s just him trying to kind of come back to his roots.

While it’s not totally necessary to have added this to the movie, it would have been a very nice set up to Aquaman. This scene would have reinforced the connectivity and chronology of the movies.

Unfortunately, Aquaman was an afterthought in the theatrical cut as it just showed him speeding through the sea.

Snyder went even further and posted something on Vero to help corroborate Momoa’s story:

A very beautiful shot on location. And just as Momoa said, we see what appears to be Aquaman walking away from Mera and Vulko. The caption seems to really drill the point home. 

“F*** yeah, I wanna see it”

While Momoa was willing to share on Aquaman’s fate in JL, I suppose it didn’t reveal his stance on the #SnyderCut. Therefore, when Momoa was promoting the upcoming flick with MTV, they asked him about how he felt about it. So in case you guys wanted to know, Jason Momoa also really wants to see it. 

Check out his response below:

Momoa gets slightly candid for a moment, lamenting his inability to speak his mind. However, he quickly provides a strongly worded response. Let’s just appreciate for a moment how Snyder pretty much based this version of Aquaman on Momoa.

While Momoa is just another person who’s strongly in favor of releasing the #SnyderCut, ultimately it is the decision of WB and it’s very obvious that we’re not going to see it soon. 

At the very least, we can catch Aquaman in theatres on December 21st. 

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