Zack Snyder Shares Possible Darkseid Tease from ‘Justice League’

While Thanksgiving and Black Friday have passed in the States, Zack Snyder was still feeling festive today. As he tends to do, Snyder took to Vero once again to post teases of what he originally intended for Justice League. While most of you likely already know the story, it’s always best to recap for those who somehow have been living under a rock.

Sometime before the release of Justice League, Zack Snyder left the project and was replaced with Joss Whedon. Whedon rewrote and shot several scenes, seemingly drastically altering what Snyder originally had in mind. Officially, Snyder left the project to he grieve his daughter. Unofficially, there have been hushed whispers suggesting that WB sacked the man in advance because JL was unwatchable. Thus, the #SnyderCut movement came to be. There is no doubt at this point, given how much Snyder has revealed, that his JL was very different from what eventually was released theatrically.

Ruler of Apokolips

Snyder has all but confirmed that Darkseid was going to be the big baddie for his two-part JL movie. The most recent tease of which came from someone who posted concept art of the Apokoliptian ruler himself. Snyder would later confirm in a reply that it was in fact Darkseid, going by the name of Uxas.

Well today, he’s giving us a post-turkey day treat by posting a photo of what appears to be ancient texts and illustrations from the set of JL.

Check it out below:

Depicted on the villain’s chest looks to be a Motherbox. Also, the caption echoes Lex Luthor’s cryptic warning at the end of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. While it’s fairly undeniable that that is Darkseid himself, filmmakers are oftentimes intentionally vague. However, the evidence stacks up pretty neatly.

While I don’t believe Snyder has yet mentioned from which scene this mural comes, I’d venture to guess that it lines up fairly well with a photo that Snyder shared earlier this year. On Gal Gadot’s birthday, Snyder shared a photo of Diana in a deleted scene, showing the princess exploring a some ruins. In the photos, Diana comes upon something that seems to concern her.

This is that photo:

Considering the torch, I’d say it’s all but confirmed that this panel was exactly what Diana discovered. At least, the evidence stacks up pretty neatly as well.

Earlier in October, ScreenRant released supposed photos of the set where the above photos were supposed to have been taken. Considering the newest photo that Snyder released, and if these photos are accurate, it’s a real shame that it will never see the light of day.

The #SnyderCut may exist, but I’m fairly certain that WB will never release it.

What do you think? Are these photos indicative of a great scene cut from an even greater version of Justice League?

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