‘Gotham’ Reportedly to Introduce Bane and/or Bane’s Father

Because we know very little about season 5 of Gotham, the Internet is slowly churning out relatively big news meant to excite fans. It’s important to be vigilant in these times, fellow fans. It seems like the denizens of Gotham will be tussling with the likes of Bane… or someone related to Bane, the venom-addicted luchador-inspired muscle man. The man who broke the Bat(back). While this news will certainly draw your attention, please be sure to read the article to find out whether it was made official. While I have no reason to believe that this news in not true, just be a savvy consumer.

The news that seemed to sweep the Internet came from an exclusive that was broken by The Hashtag Show. They revealed a casting call for a character named Eduardo Dorrance.

The Sins Of The Father

The call describes Dorrance as follow:

“A male of any ethnicity in mid-30s to early 40s, really fit. Eduardo has been a warrior for quite some time now, as he has the commitment of a tireless soldier to follow every kind of order he is given. He is intolerant to betrayal, hence his full loyalty to his fellow soldiers.”

Dorrance will appear in episode 5 and will continue to appear for at least 4 episodes, according to the Hashtag Show. For us, Batfans the name truly rings a bell. Though the name has been slightly changed, it bears a striking resemblance to Edmund Dorrance, King Snake and the man who will eventually father Bane. If this is in fact a version of Edmund Dorrance, it’s not something totally unexpected. Gotham is no stranger to modifying character origins to fit whatever agenda they have planned. Being that Santa Prisca is an island nation once colonized by Spain, I suppose Gotham doubled down on the character’s background as Spanish rather than British. That’s all speculation, however.

The Hashtag Show eventually goes on to mention another casting call for a new character named Theresa Walker, who’s a driven and natural-born leader. I nor the Hashtag Show knows of any character in DC Comics named Theresa Walker. Let us know if you happen to know something we don’t.

I am Bane

Whether intentional or not, SpoilerTV managed some news that corroborates The Hashtag Show’s news. Posted over the last few days, SpoilerTV nabbed what are supposedly the titles of the first 8 episodes. While most times, episode titles are vague and reveal very little, these are very telling.

Gotham – Episode 5.01 – Year Zero
Gotham – Episode 5.02 – Trespassers
Gotham – Episode 5.03 – Penguin, Our Hero
Gotham – Episode 5.04 – Ruin
Gotham – Episode 5.05 – Pena Dura
Gotham – Episode 5.06 – The Air is Getting Slippery
Gotham – Episode 5.07 – TBA
Gotham – Episode 5.08 – I Am Bane

The Hashtag Show mentioned that Eduardo Dorrance will appear in the fifth episode of the season. The fifth episode, according to SpoilerTV is entitled “Pena Dura,” which is an extremely obvious reference to Peña Duro, the prison on Santa Prisca where Bane essentially became Bane… which seems to happen just 3 episodes later. “I am Bane” is the title of the 8th episode.

Now, it’s important to mention that none of this has been confirmed by Fox or Gotham. Therefore, it’s important that you surround yourself with a circle of salt to ward off any false rumor demons. However, it is interesting that two totally unrelated sites revealed news in such harmonious symbiosis (great Hippie band name).

Do I believe it? It’s definitely more likely now that we have two different news sites unintentionally corroborating each other’s news. If that title for episode 8 hadn’t been revealed, I would have speculated that Bane would have appeared in the form of a background teenager. We would simply see him as Dorrance’s son, but we would know what he would become. Or… Dorrance himself becomes Bane.

What do you think? Is Bane on Gotham’s horizon? Or is this all just fake news?

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