Tom King Reveals Title to the Bat/Cat Wedding

This summer is going to be one to remember for comic book fans. I can’t say if it’ll be as memorable as Bryan Adams’ summer in 1969, but probably very close.

Kicking off this comic book summer is DC Nation #0, which hits comic book shelves, both digitally and physically, this Wednesday, May 2. Among the many stories that will be featured in the 25 cent anthology sampler is a story by Tom King and Clay Mann. And that’s the story Batfans will want to pay attention to.

The story will unofficially launch a two-month prelude leading up to the highly anticipated Batman and Catwoman ceremony. The story begins at the place that any good Batman story should begin. It all starts with the Joker. In the story, Joker discovers the upcoming nuptials of the Bat and the Cat and he’s not pleased. The story continues into the pages of Batman, for a two issue arc called, “The Best Man,” all culminating into the big day in Batman #50.

The Batfamily will not be left out, rest assured. Leading up to the ceremony, members of the Batfamily (and Rogues gallery) will each have their own one-shot, for a massive 10-issue crossover.

And finally, to celebrate the United States’ Independence Day, Batman #50 will hit shelves which will finally bind the two characters ’til death do they part. Hopefully, that will be later rather than sooner. On the same day, DC will launch a new Catwoman solo title by Joelle Jones and Laura Allred.

We’ve had a lot of news regarding this arc for many months now, but surprisingly we don’t actually have an official title for the big day. It just never occurred to me that it hadn’t been announced yet.

As of earlier this week, we finally have our title and it’s very punny.

Holy Fantastic Puns, Batman

Tom King revealed via Twitter the title to Bat/Cat wedding in Batman #50.

What a great title. I honestly don’t think I could possibly come up with anything more perfect.

Let’s get excited, Batfans. DC is making sure we will remember this summer.

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