New ‘Justice League’ deleted scene confirmed

One of the biggest hints we got that Superman would return in Justice League was seen in the trailer. We see Alfred talking to ‘someone’ in the Bat-Cave. This scene never made it into the final cut, but with the Digital release of the film, we finally get to see that scene and who Alfred is talking to.

As most people have speculated, it is his first face to face with Superman.

In the comic books, Alfred has always had a fondness for Clark, he is often seen offering to ‘take his cape’ and is always on hand with a tray of something. In reality, however Alfred has always known that Superman is a person who keeps The Batman leaning towards the light. He is a beacon that can help to draw Bruce back if he ever strays too far into the darkness.


Will the deleted scenes help Justice League?

The legacy of Justice League is sadly going to be one that focuses not on the film itself but on the production. It will always have a shadow hanging over it. The change of directors and the apparent meddling of Warner Bros. will forever tarnish this film. Those that love it will say the change was a good thing, those who don’t will be calling for a Snyder cut.

This scene is part of the magic that is a ‘comic book movie’. Superman and Alfred meeting for the first time in the Bat-Cave. This is a moment that can only help Justice League. This meeting has been a long time coming.

It is moments like this that build a universe.


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