Hailee Steinfeld Wants to Play Batgirl

Pitch Perfect star and pop singer Hailee Steinfeld voiced some interest in playing Batgirl.

While promoting her Pitch Perfect 3, Steinfeld was asked who she would want to play in a superhero movie. After MTV’s Bex Tyrell suggested Batgirl, Steinfeld lit up.

“Not going to lie, that’s kind of what I was thinking, but I didn’t know what to say. I would love that.”

Check out the video below for Steinfeld’s reaction to Batgirl and her Pitch Perfect co-star Rebel Wilson’s thoughts on playing the comic book character Faith. Steinfeld’s portion begins at the 42 second mark.

Steinfeld as Batgirl?

So far it is just pure speculation whether Steinfeld is serious about a Batgirl role. She has primarily starred in either singing and/or comedy roles. However, she also has some serious acting experience in playing more dramatic roles in True Grit. Furthermore, Steinfeld is 21 years old, which makes her the perfect age to play a college-age Barbara Gordon. Would Joss Whedon be interested in Steinfeld for the lead role in his Batgirl movie?

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