Crisis In The DCEU – Warner Bros. Movies Set For Shakeup In The Aftermath Of ‘Justice League’

Even though international box-office for Justice League has been favorable, Warner Bros. are reportedly planning a shake-up and restructuring of the DCEU franchise after disappointing returns in the U.S.

Warner Bros. Picture’s Group President Toby Emmerich was recently interviewed by Variety. The conversation highlighted a shake-up in the upper levels of production for all of Warner’s comics-related projects moving forward.

The man currently in charge of the DCEU franchise properties is Jon Berg. According to Emmerich, Berg requested a move back in the summer.

Here is the statement Toby Emmerich gave Variety.

“This is something that Jon approached me about six months ago. He expressed his goal was to ultimately be a producer. I first met Jon when he brought Elf to New Line, which remains one of the best and most evergreen titles in the library. We’re thrilled that (he) is partnering with Roy (Lee – producer of The Lego Movie and It) and anticipate their company being a valuable source of movies for Warner Bros.”

Geoff Johns, President and Chief Creative Officer of DC Comics since 2010, has always been involved in the DCEU. He’s a proficient writer for comics, and a screenwriter/producer for film and television. Johns had partnered with Jon Berg on much of the creative direction of the movies. It’s currently believed that his work on the films may evolve, and could become more advisory in nature. Personally, I believe that he could be a good choice to replace Berg, but nothing has set in stone at the time of this report.

Warner Bros. Future Justice

Reports from Hollywood are wildly conflicting. Some say that Zack Snyder is bowing out completely, while others still have the visionary director listed as producer on the Wonder Woman sequel, and Aquaman.

Justice League may not have been the hit that Warner were hoping for, but the film is by no means a failure. The lighter tone, while not to many fans’ tastes, has seemed to please some cinema goers. What the movie did do successfully was introduce Ezra Miller’s Flash, Ray Fisher’s Cyborg and Jason Momoa’s Aquaman. All three “new” characters were critically well received, and should do well in their own movies.

Warner Bros. is also moving forward with the aforementioned Wonder Woman sequel, and Shazam, starring Zachary Levi.

The DC Films restructure is expected to happen by January 2018.

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