‘Batman: The Animated Series’ Coming to Blu Ray

Plans for Batman: The Animated Series Blu Ray set were announced at the New York Comic Con.

During the Batman: The Animated Series 25th Anniversary panel, PR representative Gary Miereanu told the audience that the show will be released in remastered Blu Ray format. However, the announcement was odd to say the least. Miereanu let it slipped that they will not be handing out anymore DVD sets due to an upcoming Blu Ray release.

What We Know and Not Know About the Blu Ray Set

Due to the candid nature of the news, not much is know yet about the set. It is still unknown exactly when the release date is. It is also a question mark of whether the set will have only the initial episodes of the series or also include the New Adventures of Batman. Also, there was no further indication of any special features included in the set. And while we know that it will be remastered, nothing is said about a higher-end format, such as 4K Ultra HD Blu Ray. The set is due to be released sometime in 2018.

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