Is Batman about to get married?

At the end of Batman #24 Bruce proposed to Selina Kyle, The Catwoman, and she left him waiting for her answer. Will the Cat and the Bat be making it official?

That question will finally be answered this month in the pages Batman #32.

Tom King told USA Today:

That to me is what true love is, it’s showing who you truly are to someone. It’s letting someone know deep down who you are and that’s horribly frightening and it scares Batman as much as anything ever has.

They’re two broken people, and because they’re broken, they have the edges that fit together

The relationship between the two has been a focus for King’s Batman title for some time but the cliffhanger ending of issue #24 was still a shock to most readers.

Batman has been married before

The relationship between Bruce and Selina has always be a tumultuous one but there are precedents for them being together as husband and wife.

In the Pre-Crisis DC Universe the Earth-2 versions got married and their daughter became The Huntress. In several Elseworld stories such as The Nail Bruce and Selina are shown as a couple.

There no real reason why the creators aren’t able to set them up as a couple. Other heroes suck as Lois and Clark or Peter and Mary-Jane have been married for years.

Did she say yes? Find out in Batman #32, on sale now.

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