New Stills Show the ‘Justice League’ Battle Parademons

Justice League is on the cover of Empire this month and CBM scanned a new batch of photos from the film. There are never before seen pictures of the entire team sans Superman—he’s still being kept hidden from the public at this point. However, there is plenty to take in and enjoy in these photos—including each League member having the spotlight.

There aren’t any major reveals, which is a breath of fresh air in terms of modern day marketing, but the images do continue to make Justice League look incredible. The magazine, available Thursday, offers eight pages of coverage. Based on the previews, there’s no way of telling if these shots are from Zack Snyder’s leadership, or part of the reshoots being done by Joss Whedon; but they look like they are all part of the same world, which bodes well for the seamless transition between directors.


The tactical suit that Batman is wearing is glorious. In Batman v. Superman, we saw two additional suits that, while being awesome, were drastically different from what he was wearing for the rest of the movie. In Justice League, this additional suit is similar enough to his normal costume, but has some nice differences that I’m looking forward to how it’ll be used.

The action shots with Aquaman and The Flash battling Parademon’s offer very nice imagery without spoiling anything. From what we’ve seen of the movie so far, it’s going to be interesting to see how this version of The Flash holds up in a fight—aside from pushing his enemies over and running away.


We’ve seen plenty of other actors portray Batman, but none have ever looked like the character came right from the comic book page as much as Ben Affleck. I especially enjoy when he’s in-costume, but has his cowl off. An iconic image displayed in the comic books finally works.

Inside the feature, the stars give some insight into what we can expect from DC’s first giant superhero team up movie. There’s emphasis on a tonal shift from previous DCEU films with Gal Gadot explaining: “It doesn’t have the weight that Batman v Superman had.”

Keeping up with the lighter tone, Affleck jokes about “moustache gate”—the rumor that Henry Cavill had to return to the Justice League reshoots with a contract-mandated moustache for another film. However, he does get serious, noting that the scale of this film is massive: “The movie’s bigger in scale than any movie I’ve been involved with in my career. It feels massive in terms of visual elements.”

You can read the full story when the new issue of Empire hits shelves on Thursday, October 5th and actually see the anticipated film when it arrives in theaters November 17th.

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