DKN Spotlight Review: Justice League/Power Rangers #6


Writer: Tom Taylor 

Artist: Stephen Byrne 

Ready for the heartwarming conclusion of Justice League/Power Rangers? It leaves you with a sweet taste. There is a dinner scene, not at cute as Tom King’s Batman issue #17, but Bruce still picks up the tab. In the previous issues, you could see how defeated the Rangers felt. However, with the support of the Leaguers, Taylor shines their strengths and determination.

The writing is adorable. Though it may not be a masterpiece, and the storyline is quite common, but it was still a fun ride! In addition, it’s an iconic team up, and I believe it’ll go down in history. Thus, if you’re looking for classic baddies vs goodies series, this is the one for you. The writing is simple, but the friendships and intentions are pure. My past reviews analyze why the Justice League make amazing role models for the youths, the Power Rangers, and I also appreciate Taylor highlighting moments between the League members themselves. Batman worried for Cyborg when he was down. This issue carried magic, Superman’s weakness and Batman ran for his friend as well.

Calling out for his injured friends is what wins my heart! More brownie points for Bruce.

There are few chuckles to be had in this issue, for example, Lex Luthor cash. *shivers* What a nightmare. As for the art:

Byrne uses soft colors and simple cell shading. Although not a detailed series with both art and writing, it still gives a Saturday-morning cartoon feel. I’m definitely a fan. My only critic is when Byrne draws the facial features of Bruce and Superman, they look as if they’re rocking 5 o’clock shadows, I’m not sure if that’s done on purpose. It’s certainly not a fave feature, but Wondy, Cyborg, and the Rangers look great! Throughout the series, Byrne highlighted color to enhance the moods. Blue for panels where the League was planning strategies, intelligence, red for fear and stress, yellow for somber. We start this issue in the middle of an intense battle, and thus red is everyone. It pulls you into action, ending with yellow as the team eats up.


Bruce standing up to the bullies of the Rangers at the end? Yes, please. I need more fatherly, grumpy Batdad moments! I adore the Mighty Morphs, and watching the League guide these teenagers left me with such warm feelings. I don’t believe there’s much to dislike unless you’re more into torturous Joker-Batman moments (then check out Batman/The Shadow), this is certainly something light-hearted. I’m happy to have followed through their journey. I had been waiting for this series since its announcement back in 2016, and not regretting my wait at all. It’s one for the collection for sure!

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment


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