Review: Justice League #24



Writer: Dan Abnett 

Artist: Ian Churchill 


Issue #24, written by guest writer Dan Abnett, and illustrated by guest artist Ian Churchill, is an improvement from the narrative from #23 for sure, or I’m just still really sour about issue #23.

It picks up from Aquaman #25, so it may leave folks a bit baffled. I love Mera-centric issues and this is a good place to sneak one in. Thus far, Justice League has a line-up of filler issues. Mera takes on the entire Justice League with skills and entertainment. The art is the best part.

Churchill does an amazing job with drawing the ocean and the behavior of water on the Leaguers. Any artist knows that water is killer to comprehend and bring to life on paper/other mediums. Mera’s demonstration of tactics is powerful. This is also a wonderful representation of Wonder Woman as well. She’s big and buff, a true Amazonian. Superman’s face is aesthetically pleasing, no cicatrization of masculine facial feature (I’m not a fan of the giant butt-chin). Churchhill doesn’t downplay his form and creates a more realistic (for comics) body definition rather than his chest bumping into his chin. Same goes for most of the male heroes in this issue.

As an artist myself, I notice features that people find attractive in men by noticing which art styles receive the most hits. Historically, male superheroes are drawn with ridiculous male proportions because it’s assumed men want to aspire for this macho, alpha looks. But in reality, men drawn with softer features are more appealing. Case in point:


As for the writing, I hope things move upward from here, but I’m speculating Justice League still has a lot of muck to pull up from.

Batman: I suggest we take her back to the Watchtower.

Mera: Why? To replace Arthur? You are his friends!

Lately, their characterization of “newer” members such as Mera and Jessica Cruz has been off. The writers seem to make them overly dramatic and focus on uncharacteristic things. Of course, the Leaguers won’t replace Arthur (as much as Robot Chicken tries to imply).

Mera: I realize that… beyond Arthur… I really haven’t an identity, either in the ocean or on the surface.

Mere is a Queen… way to minimize her abilities and identity, narrowing her down to Aquaman. It’s 2017, I had hoped a major series like Justice League would try and work with stereotypes, but no, they’re writing women to be extra dramatic and painting villains with dark skin (issue #23). Honestly, I’m so thankful the DCEU is already doing a much better job, I’m curious as to who the identifying target audience is for Justice League.


Art is spectacular! Mera is still badass and powerful. I appreciate Wonder Woman’s connection to Mera, she tries to sympathize and I’m always excited to see women superheroes supporting each other, we can always see more. As well as super buff women? A-double-plus! However, it would be wonderful if the writers could become more familiar with each character. I’ll still look forward to the next issue.

Images courtesy of DC Entertainment


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