Scott Snyder to Disappear into the Shadows and Leave Batman

Scott Snyder has been a key figure behind the Batman, and his recent work has personified everything we love about the Dark Knight with the All Star Batman series. Unfortunately, the end is near and Snyder will be stepping away from the Dark Knight. Snyder is currently working with Rafael Albuquerque on current arc, “The First Ally.” The planning and development behind the arc have been in the works for a while and will take place after current events. Snyder spoke with Newsarama about his work and hinted that there may not be much more after what’s currently in development.

Snyder said:

“So, yeah… after this arc with All-Star Batman, when I get to the story with Sean – which is the one I’ve been kind of waiting to do for three years or more – that to me very well might be the last Batman story that I do proper Batman for a while. It’s sort of a capstone to a lot of things I’ve been thinking about with him over the years.”

Snyder went on to talk about the story

“It’s almost like a Mad Max Batman story in the future. It’s really nuts, but it connects the continuity. When we do that, I’d like to try to take the back-ups out, reduce the price and do it a little differently, depending on what shapes up with some of the editorial changes going on as well. That story is one I’ve been dying to do. So whatever format we wind up doing it in, I can’t wait.

Yeah! I’ve been thinking about that story for years – the same way I’ve been thinking about Metal for a couple years. I’ve never planned more for anything than for Metal and for that story. So those are the big two. But that’s the plan for All-Star Batman right now.”

I, personally, will miss Snyder’s work on the Batman given he is my favorite hero of all time, and with that I’ve been able to relate to the style of story and its progress. He has been able to build out a creative persona that has got back to the roots of the character and while he won’t bring the Dark Knight to life any longer; we will see his brilliant work across other parts in the DC world.

All Star Batman #10 is in stores now and be sure to check out our review here! You won’t be disappointed!

“The First Ally” part one! When the Dark Knight is taken down by a new enemy whose attacks he cannot counter, he uncovers a plot spanning generations…whose mastermind might be one of his closest allies! But who is the First Ally?

What do you think of the news?

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