Fabian Wagner, ‘Justice League’ Cinematographer Reveals his Favorite Shot from the Movie

Fabian Wagner is the cinematographer for the Zack Snyder-directed Justice League movie due out November. Like the director with which he works, he likes to take to social media as well. Granted, he didn’t reveal any news, but he did share a fanboy moment yesterday.

In Batman v Superman, Snyder gave us a ton of fantastic and iconic shots, seemingly ripped straight out of a comic book. It certainly looks that’s the case in this upcoming feature as well. Wagner took to Instagram and revealed his favorite shot in Justice League and of course, it’s our very own Batfleck. It’s a shot that would likely don a cover of a comic book somewhere for sure.

Check out his Instagram post below:

Perched atop a gargoyle, Batfleck is poised to strike down his foe. It’s from the Batman teaser that led up to the Justice League trailer. I know I certainly share the same sentiment of that shot. It’s so awesome. I believed you needed a reminder of that teaser, so take a look:

Justice League hits theatres November 17, 2017.

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