Pre-Register for ‘Injustice 2’ Mobile Game to Play as Catwoman

More marketing news for Injustice 2, video game fans. Following the DC All Access live stream event and the Joker reveal, WB Interactive is offering an incentive for the mobile version of Injustice 2. It features our favorite feline-themed femme fatale, Catwoman.


While Darkseid is offered as an exclusive DLC character with preorder of the console game, if you pre-register the mobile version, you’ll be able to play as Catwoman. Wanna see her mobile gameplay?

Take a look:

Looks like they’ve managed to maintain the same level of detail in both her look and fighting style. Also, the gear system looks to be very present in the mobile version.

Injustice 2 hits the iTunes and the Google Play store on May 11th, 5 days before the console version. Pre-register to play as Catwoman here. Remember, it’s free!

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