Diane Lane Talks Superhero Moms

Lane hopes to share scenes with another superhero mom

One of the issues of contention among fans with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice took place when our heroes fought each other. As the Dark Knight was about to deliver the final blow to Kal-El, the Man of Steel made a final request for Batman to save his mother named “Martha.” This sends Batman reeling with emotions about his mother, whose name was also “Martha.”

Actor Diane Lane played Martha Kent in Man of Steel and Batman v Superman. She will reprise the role this fall in Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Lane defends the scene mentioned above.  “It’s the compassion for a man who’s lost his mother. When you understand the wound, you can work better with people,” mentioned Lane.

Lane also hopes to film scenes with another superhero’s mom – actor Nicole Kidman. Kidman will play Queen Atlanna in Aquaman, mother to Jason Momoa’s Arthur Curry. “I want a scene with Nicole, that’s what I really want. Perhaps in another [sequel]!” states Lane. Fans have mentioned the age difference between Kidman (49), and  Momoa (37), but Lane seems well adjusted to the casting. “Well, I set that precedent!”

Diane Lane, along with her movie son – Henry Cavill, will come back on November 17 when Justice League arrives in theaters.

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