Review: Harley Quinn #18

“Red Meat”, Part Two


Writers: Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, Paul Dini

Artists: John Timms, Bret Blevins

(Minor Spoilers Ahead)

Two sisters say goodbye, as one prepares to go back in time. Her mission? To dress up as a Batgirl and take out a huge threat: Harley Quinn. Cut to present day, as cannibals attack our title heroine/villain and take her back to their base. She puts up a good fight, but ultimately gets tied up and awaits her fate. Meanwhile, her pal Red Tool is hot on the trail to track her down. Outside of the action, we hear from the mayor who is a big supporter of this group’s way of taking out the city’s homeless.

That sounds nutty. Yet, it works splendidly. Two issues into this arc, and I’m having a blast reading Harley Quinn. Despite covering such a dark story about cannibalism(!), the book is so much fun. The characters, the art, the dialogue: perfecto.

Writers Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti are doing a great job. The team is advancing the story, yet slowly, and effectively, revealing other important factors. My interest is in this woman from the future, who has some sort of beef with Harley Quinn, even though she’s from the year 2167. Also, how the mayor enthusiastically supports the decision to weed out the homeless is disturbing. What a twisted and enjoyable story we have here.

Paul Dini again returns for the backup story, which is just as much fun as the main one. Harley and the Joker continue their New Year’s Eve date night in predictable, yet surprising, fashion. The two interact in ways we expect, yet it still feels fresh and fun. She is on a mission to finally get that romance from her Puddin, and he stays true to form, constantly deferring any advances. He’s classic Joker, yet she (and us) fall for it every time. Enter the Dark Knight on the last page, and I’m excited for the next issue.


Overall, Harley Quinn continues to be such a joy. The world being developed by Conner and Palmiotti is twisted but so much fun. Plus, a Paul Dini backup is worth the $2.99 on its own. If you haven’t started reading it, please pick up the last two issues.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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