Famous Gotham Landmarks Spotted in ‘Suicide Squad Extended Cut’

The extended edition of Suicide Squad has arrived on Digital HD and some fans have been spotting obscure easter eggs in the Gotham City skyline.

In an establishing shot of Gotham City-right before cutting to the scene with Deadshot and his daughter-Ace Chemicals can be spotted in the bottom right corner of the picture. Ace Chemicals is the factory that contains the vat of chemicals that the Joker and Harley Quinn both took a dip to give themselves their iconic white skin.

Also spotted in the cityscape is the Gotham Chronicle, which is the local city newspaper. The Chronicle is also the newspaper that has been spotted in FOX’s Gotham television series and used in their viral marketing. You can check out their faux newspaper website here. Additionally, to the top left of the Ace Chemicals plant is the Gotham Telegraph.

Hopefully once Suicide Squad comes out on Blu-Ray and DVD, perhaps more fans will find more subtle bat-related easter eggs.

Suicide Squad: Extended Cut is out now on Digital HD, with the release on Blu-ray on December 13th.

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