Review: All Star Batman #4

“My Own Worst Enemy,” Part 4


Writer: Scott Snyder

Artist: John Romita Jr.





Place your bets.

Batman trades in a truck, for a plane, for a boat this month. In other words, his road trip just went off-road and only got worse. Two-Face continues to be an uncooperative passenger, and more (yes, more) villains interfere. If you thought there was going to be a resolution in this issue, you’re mistaken. All we get is more tight situations for the Dark Knight (perhaps Light Knight in this story arc) to get out of.

All Star Batman #4 is another quality issue from Scott Snyder and company, but it’s starting to slow down a bit for me. I don’t feel like we’re going anywhere, after the massive amount of intrigue we received after those first two issues (GCPD at Wayne Manor, Two-Face’s secrets, Alfred giving up Batman, etc.). Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of cool Batman ass-kicking moments on these pages, and even more dialogue. I just find each page is getting a little bogged down and by the time we’re left with a “cliffhanger”, I’m not feeling like we’ve gone anywhere (I mean figuratively, considering we’re told we’ve traveled 451 miles).

While I’m getting a little antsy in the pantsy on the story, pages have never looked prettier. John Romita Jr. is my favorite artist in the “Rebirth” era. His designs of characters, and everything, are unique and fun. The mix of inks and coloring by Danny Miki and Dean White, are phenomenal. The art in this book is worth the pricey $4.99 alone.

Overall, the story progresses a little and the art remains top notch. Despite my need for some resolution next month, it’s still one of DC’s top titles.

Images courtesy of DC Entertainment

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