Review: Detective Comics #943

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Detective Comics #943Detective Comics #943 | “The Victim Syndicate,” Part 1

Story – James Tynion IV

Visuals – Alvero Martinez (Pencilller) & Raul Fernandez (Inks)

Colors – Brad Anderson

Letters – Marilyn Patrizio

Cover – Jay Fabok & Brad Anderson

Variant – Rafael Albuquerque

Assistant Editor – Dave Wielgosz

Editor – Chris Conroy

Group Editor – Mark Doyle

Minor Spoilers Ahead

After the lackluster event that was “The Monster Men,” I am glad that this book is getting back to basics.

The team is dealing with grief in different ways. Batwoman points out to Batman that in one form or another, all of them have dealt with loss in some capacity, and it’s okay to get help. Loss seems to be a recurring theme in this issue. Not just in the “passing” of Tim Drake, but Kate (who has already lost a mother and sister to tragedy) now has to face that her father is in prison. Bruce has lost yet another Robin. Stephanie Brown lost her lover and friend. Even Basil Karlo is struggling with the bereavement of his former villainous side.

And then enter the mysterious Victim Syndicate. They attack Wayne Enterprises and Lucius Fox. And at the end of this issue, the group wreaks havoc at a police benefit gala declaring vengeance against Batman. Does this organization know that Bruce Wayne and Batman are the same person? Or is it just a strange coincidence? Keeping their eyes on the mission, both Bruce and Kate are aware that they must fill the technology void left by Tim. Bruce’s draft pick: Luke “Batwing” Fox.

This is shaping up to be an intriguing start. I applaud James Tynion IV for a well-penned story. He has captured the essence of Batman and the supporting cast very well. I even loved the jab he wrote for Alfred. Huzzah! Alvero Martinez, Raul Fernandez  and Brad Anderson give stunning artistry to this issue. I have to admit, I haven’t been keeping up with Luke Fox recently, so I wasn’t really sure why he was written to be a copy of Bruce Wayne.

Overall, Tynion and company have piqued my interest for this arc. And they needed to regain my interest after the last crossover event which I will not mention again. This is a great start!


Images courtesy of DC Entertainment

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