Ben Affleck on the Tactical Batman Suit

About two weeks ago, a photo of Ben Affleck’s Batman sprung online wearing what has been referred to as the Tactical suit. Affleck sheds a little bit more information about the suit.

“There’s two suits in Justice League; one that we’ve seen before and then one that the he augments because of the nature of the…mission, which I can’t give away. It was a chance for them to play with the suit and add elements to it and make it and kind of tech it out and I thought they did a really good job. It was really fun.”

At least we know that Batman has two different outfits that will be tailor-made depending on the situation. This is par for course for Affleck’s Batman, who debuted in Batman v Superman with two different kinds of suits too: his normal one and the armored one he used to fight Superman. It sounds like this interpretation of Batman is more in-line with the comics’ hyper-preparedness Batman, where he has a plan or contingency to combat every unique threat.

In the meantime, it is unknown whether the Tactical suit will be used against movie villain Steppenwolf, an army of Parademons, or maybe possibly Joe Manganiello’s Deathstroke.

Justice League hits theaters November 17, 2017


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