Obscure Easter Egg Found in ‘Batman v Superman’

Fans of superhero movies are no strangers to Easter Eggs being placed throughout the films. Whether it is subtle nods to a character’s larger world, those involved with the film, or hints of what’s to come, directors love to tease their comic book loving fans.  Zack Snyder could be considered one of the masters of putting Easter Eggs in his films for fans to find, and his latest work in Batman v Superman is no different.

Already populated with a wealth of Easter Eggs, including a tease of Superman’s debut from Perry White, Darkseid’s existence in the DCEU, and various nods to Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns, one Easter Egg has gone unnoticed.  That is, until now.

For those unaware, Superman’s co-creator Joe Shuster was born in Toronto in 1914 before coming to America in 1924 where he met Jerry Siegel, Superman’s other creator.  Well, a Twitter user named @mas_critical used his hawk eye vision to notice a window in Batman v Superman that seemed to have been broken in what looks suscpicously like the province of Ontario in Canada.

This tweet was directed to Larry Fong (BvS Cinematographer), Clay Enos (BvS Photographer), and Zack Snyder himself.  Enos responded saying “I just showed this to Zack and he said, finally someone noticed.”  Certainly this can be labeled as one of the more obscure Easter Eggs in the movie, it makes you wonder what else is hidden in plain sight?

What are some of your favorite Eastern Eggs in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice?

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