DKN Visits Taylor Comic Con 2016

This past weekend, I had a great time attending Taylor Comic Con, another event from the folks at Your Comic Con. Just as with June’s CosPlay Con, this too was held at Taylor Town Trade Center in (obviously) Taylor, Michigan, only this time it boasted two showrooms.

I really do like the fact that the Metro Detroit convention scene is rapidly growing and even smaller events such as this are expanding in size. One room was made up of vendors, with the other having various comic book creators among its ranks. In addition to seeing the work of those I’m unfamiliar with, it was great to catch up with the likes of Brian E. Lau (Staunch Ambition) and Kasey Pierce (Norah).

As per usual, I took time to hunt for any comics or collectibles that have eluded my grasp and this weekend fortunately bore some unexpected fruit. I was quite pleased to finally add The Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told trade paperback to my collection as well as a pretty cool Batman figure from Arkham Knight, courtesy of 9 Planets. That particular iteration of The Dark Knight is now enjoying his forever home, residing next to his Arkham City and Origins brethren.

– 2models1controller Panel

Several panels were held throughout the weekend and the one I attended was hosted by Katie O’Rear and Haley Fisher, collectively known as 2models1controller. To say the least, their presentation was highly informative.

Now, I’m not one to cosplay very often, but my crew and I often capture many shots of those in costume at various cons we attend. These girls brought the knowledge they acquired from not only costume designing and modeling, but also military and martial arts training. Suffice it to say, they know what they’re talking about when it comes to striking a convincing pose and embracing the character you’re portraying when in front of a camera. I may not dabble in their realm as much, but when I do, I’ll be sure to heed their sage advice.

– Costume Contest

Saturday’s Teen and Adult Costume Contest boasted a surprising amount of cosplayers – in addition to having the most impromptu fight scenes and displays of sheer athleticism I’ve seen at one of these things. Don’t get me wrong, I’m saying that with a smile. Having fun when embodying your character of choice is what it’s all about.

There were some pretty good costumes based on DC characters, among others. As for who took home the gold, I’ll just say this: It’s always a wise move to place your bet on the guy wearing elaborate armor.

– Cosplayers In The Wild

As usual, I’m going to close with some shots of my favorite cosplayers from around the con floor. I hope everybody had as much fun as I did and I’ll see some of you in the near future.

For upcoming events from the same organizers, please visit

Photos taken by Alexander Leo Carr.



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