Jesse Eisenberg On Lex Luthor’s Future

Jesse Eisenberg’s portrayal of Lex Luthor was one of the most talked about performances in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. But what is the word on any future DC Extended film universe appearances?

Eisenberg talked about potentially being in the Justice League movie at the MCM London Comic Con:

“I’m kind of in wait. They just started filming Justice League, so I’m kind of like waiting for my crack at it.  I don’t know what I’m allowed to say, because I feel like there’s probably some drone following me from DC, and if I say anything wrong I get, you know, picked off. But yeah I think so, and I love it, and I love everybody who’s in it. You know, it’s a really talented group of people.”

It sounds like that he is strongly hinting that Luthor will appear in Justice League. But given that Luthor’s in prison by the end of Batman v Superman, it would be interesting to see where the character will go, especially since he presumably lost all of his money and resources. Furthermore, Eisenberg discussed what was the thinking behind his portrayal of Luthor in the Batman v Superman.

“What I wanted to do with the character is kind of what I want to do in this play, which is I want to humanize these people that you have seen … dehumanized. I wanted to make these people real and relatable and interesting and engaging, not just, you know, a surface bad person. To me, the most interesting acting is when actors can bring you into that other side of the person. When you feel like you are not just seeing the kind of purpose of them for plot. That they are not just delivering a message. They’re actually showing you humanity. And that’s what I tried to do with that character. Whether or not I succeeded or failed depends on your subjective opinion on what you think of people like that. That’s my goal as an actor.”

Luthor’s characterization in Batman v Superman was unlike any other Luthors in past media. He was eccentric genius who was full of  compulsive tics who had a strong disdain for seemingly invincible alien beings like Superman. While considered controversial by some fans, he was definitely one of the most memorable characters from the film. If Eisenberg has another shot at Lex Luthor in Justice League, then it could prove intriguing.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is still playing in theaters.

Justice League-Part One comes out November 17, 2017.

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