Ben Affleck Becomes ‘Justice League’ Executive Producer

Deadline reports that Ben Affleck has become an executive producer on Justice League. 

Affleck, of course, was already set to co-star in the film as Bruce Wayne/Batman. Executive producer gives the actor a little more say in not only the development of the Batman character but in the story as a whole. In that role, he will work with both director Zack Snyder and writer Chris Terrio to make Justice League the best film it can be.

It may seem strange to give an actor this much say in a movie like this, particularly one with such an ensemble cast, but it makes sense given the fact that Affleck will be taking directing duties on the upcoming solo Batman film. Affleck, of course, has plenty of credit as a storyteller, directing the Academy Award Best Picture-winning Argo as well as winning an Academy Award for his script for Good Will Hunting, co-written with Matt Damon.

Given Affleck’s experience behind the camera and the amazing fan response to the actor’s take on Batman, this is a smart move that should make a lot of people happy. While the film will of course be an intense collaborative effort, it can only be a good thing to have Affleck in the mix, working with Snyder to make this the Justice League fans have been waiting so long for.

Justice League Part One is slated for a November 17th, 2017 release.

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