Police LifeStyle Limited Edition ‘Batman v Superman’ Wrist Watches

The merchandising juggernaut of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has released some very cool stuff, but they’ve also released some over-the-top silly stuff that begs the question of “Why?” A lot of it has been geared towards collectors and children, but it looks like they also branched off into some practical, elegant stuff.

Police Lifestyle, a company that produces high-fashionwear like sunglasses and jewelry that would look perfectly placed on the cover of GQ magazine, have released some new limited edition Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice wrist watches. And they are beautiful.

There are two versions with very subtle differences in color, one for Bats and the other for Supes. Really, the only things that ties them to the movie is the logo. It’s all very chic and subtle.

They even released this nifty add cut between random scenes from the movie:

And some photos for you:

Can’t find prices, but because they are limited edition, expected to cost a pretty penny.

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