‘Did You Know Gaming?’ Covers ‘Batman: Arkham Asylum’

It’s great nowadays that people have access to short form shows on YouTube for free. The everyman like you or me could easily come up with something, write it, shoot it, and throw it up on YouTube without any powers denying us permission to release it into the world.

One particular show of which I’ve become quite a fan in recent years is the extremely popular gaming trivia show entitled, “Did You Know Gaming?” In small 5-7 minute videos focusing either on a particular game or game series, the producers lay out tons of interesting facts and trivia in the most comprehensive manner. For geeks and gamers, it’s a pretty great show.

Yesterday, they released a video on Batman: Arkham Asylum and it was awesome. I thought I knew a lot about the game, but of course, DYKG taught me a lot. For instance, I was intrigued to find out that Arkham‘s groundbreaking freeflow combat system was originally supposed to be based on rhythm and music. It sounds like a cool idea, but I can’t say I’m unhappy with the result.

Check it out below:

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