Viola Davis Talks Leto’s Joker

Viola Davis, who will make her first appearance in the steadily building DC Cinematic Universe as Amanda Waller in this summer’s Suicide Squad, has shed a little light while talking to Vanity Fair recently on what it was like to work with Jared Leto–or rather, what it was like to work with the Joker, given that it seems like there was no separation between the two on set.

“The Joker, he did some bad things. Jared Leto did. He gave some really horrific gifts,” the actress says. “He had henchmen that would come into the rehearsal room and the henchmen came in with a dead pig and plopped it on the table, then he walked out. And that was our introduction into Jared Leto.”

Davis recalled watching the actor perform with a mix of fear and fascination.

“Now I’m terrified as a person thinking ‘Is he crazy?’ but the second part was ‘Oh shit! I got to have my stuff together.’ You talk about commitment and then he sends Margot Robbie a black rat. It was still alive in a box, she screamed, and then she kept it.”

Everyone will be able to see just how far Leto went for the role when Suicide Squad premieres August 5th.

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