Gotham City and Metropolis Maps Revealed By Turkish Airlines

Turkish Airlines is go all-out to promote Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. First, it was the faux airline ads to show off Gotham and Metropolis.  Now, Turkish Airlines released a website to show off maps of the two cites.

Gotham City and Metropolis both have a dedicated page on the Turkish Airlines website that showcases maps of the downtown area of the cities. They also have a little tourist section that highlights all of the different sites to see in the city. Both city sites are filled with comic book easter eggs and shout-outs to famous comic creators.

The notable sites in Metropolis include Heroes’ Park (where the Superman statue stands), Shuster Arena, Siegel Music Hall, and the Avenue of Tomorrow.

For Gotham City, sites include Ace Chemicals, Wayne Tower, Robinson Park, and Amusement Mile, which presumably gets taken over by the Joker every other month.

Interestingly, the maps of the two cities seems to imply that Gotham and Metropolis are quite close to each other, since both are about five miles from Strykers Island.

All geeky comic book cartography aside, the Turkish Airlines’ website also boasts of other features like a sweepstakes contest to win a chance to attend the Batman v Superman premiere and Batman v Superman frequent flyer miles cards.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters March 25, 2016.

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