Second Opinion: Justice League #46

Writer: Geoff Johns

Penciller: Francis Manapul


As the dust settles on the second act of the “Darkseid War,” and the better part of the Justice League has been changed for the foreseeable future, our heroes must find allies to help their cause and they might be in the least expected place.

I’ve been singing the praises of Johns’ run on Justice League for some time now, and as much as I would love to say this issue continues along an exceptional run but that would be somewhat misleading. I feel this issue suffered from the short hiatus last month that was filled with a couple of one-shot issues showing the continued adventures of some of the League. There were a couple of points in this month’s issue that I had to take a minute to remember where and when the particular scene took place. I am, generally, against one-shot filler issues and even moreso when it’s somewhat vital to what is happening in the actual story and this is no exception.

It’s not all bad, however. This issue did introduce us to Big Barda (Scot Free’s wife) and there is an interesting cliffhanger at the end of the issue. Continuing with the exceptional art from last issue, Manapul continues to kill it and I stand by my statement that he is one of the best artists from this generation.

Every comic series requires intermission issues that set up the rest of the arc, and that’s exactly what this issue was. There was nothing inherently bad about this outing, but nothing too far on the positive side either. I’m still in love with this series and where Johns is taking it, but this is a small misstep in what has been a fantastic ride thus far.

Don’t like my opinion? Check out a little more positive review from someone else here.





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