‘Gotham’ S2E11 Fall Finale, ‘Worse than a Crime’, Preview Photos

Fox is still out promoting Gotham episodes well ahead of their release date. I suppose they’re just trying to exhaust us with as much Gotham as possible so that by the time it returns in February, we’d be desperate to watch some more of Ben McKenzie’s telenovela-style overacting.

On November 30th, Gotham will air its fall finale, entitled “Worse than a Crime,” and disappear for three whole months, returning on Februrary 29th, 2016.

So in the meantime, Fox gave us the entire plot in a series of photos.

Take a look:

I said that they pretty much released the entire plot, right? There’s a lot of photos there to comb through and you can pretty much gather what’s going to happen this episode.

It seems that Silver St. Cloud finally lured Bruce over with her feminine wiles and for some odd, he goes along with this religious ritual and wears the burlap bed sheet. He gets tied to a stake and suddenly Emperor Palpatine comes at him with a blade as Silver watches on. Is that another single, solitary tear gliding down her fair face? I guess she has regrets?

Then, the Nygma/Penguin shipping continues. The photo shows the pair sharing a hearty laugh just after Nygma let out a fart, presumably. And Peacock Selina is back! Should we assume that Peacock Selina will be involved in every finale that Gotham airs?

Sean Pertwee’s Alfred looks pretty darn badass though, doesn’t he? That guy is likely out for blood at that point.

See if Fox left anything out on November 30th, when they air Gotham‘s Fall Finale, “Worse than a Crime.”

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