NYCC: DC Displays ‘BvS’ Action Figures and Props, Other Batman Merch

New York Comic Con is going on! Right now! At this moment! You should be there. Alas, for those of us without the funds and are currently stuck in other parts of the country, we’ll have to make do with snapshots uploaded to the Internet. Aside from the panels premiering new footage and dropping bombs of information, it looks like DC has also put up a bunch of cool stuff on display for which any Batfan would go crazy. SuperHeroHype has managed to snap some great photos for the world to see.

First off, it looks like they’re rolling out some New Batman Adventures figures.

Here you can see Bane, Nightwing, and Scarecrow. It’s interesting to note that the Mad Hatter retains his original design from Batman: The Animated Series. The figures look like pretty high-quality stuff, looking nearly identical to their animated counterparts.

Next up, here’s some figures from the Batman: Arkham series of games.

Of course, no toy display is complete without Pop! Vinyl figures, here are some from Gotham and Batman: Arkham Knight.

Though I’m not a fan of Pop! Vinyl figures, I do like the Arkham Knight figures. They particularly well-made. It seems the focus was more so on accuracy rather than attempting to make them look cute.


Now, the piece de resistance. SuperHeroHype made sure to snap a ton of photos for anything from Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice.

There’s so many details to pour over! First off, I’d like to discuss this “Knightmare Batman.” This Batman was seen briefly in the comic-con trailer in some desert-like environment, fighting off Superman troops. Could this be a dream sequence? Maybe Batfleck feels as if this is a premonition of the future. It did feel kinda post-apocalyptic.

I am adoring the shots of Batfleck’s gadgets. Most of the gadgets have a metallic, futuristic look. However, there’s the grapple gun that looks almost steampunky. The look and feel of these gadgets are certainly different from Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy. They’re far more over the top without being cartoony. It’s reading very comic-booky to me and I’m very happy about that. Let me move on to something else before I transform more nouns into adjectives simply by adding a “y.”

The helmet. It obviously belongs to Batfleck because of the ears, but it’s not the helmet from the Battle suit. Do you suppose this could part of yet another suit? Or do you suppose this is the endo-cowl underneath the helmet we see on the Battle suit? I suppose that’s what gives him the glowing white eyes.

Well, we won’t find out until March 25, 2016 when Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is released.

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