Snyder and Capullo on “The Break-Up”

Breaking up is hard to do.

All star Batman team Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have a few more issues left in them, before they take a break (hopefully, it won’t be as difficult as Ross and Rachel’s). After issue #51, Capullo is going to work on a project with writer Mark Millar but have no fear Batfans, it’s only a brief absence and he’ll return to the title for something big in the future.

The duo sat down with Comic Book Resources to offer up a little more information on the “break-up,” what’s in store for their reunion and just cause, who their favorite characters to write/draw are.

When asked for more details on their temporary split, Capullo compared it to marriage and having an affair (sarcasm) while Snyder gave a little more honest response.

“…when he told me there was a possibility of doing something else, I heard [him]. I was like, ‘You know what, dude, please go do that. You should go out there and you should own something with someone and have something that is yours and experience that and have projects that give you a whole different audience, a whole different sense of empowerment outside of the Big Two. And I’ll be the first in line to go get it.’ I love Mark [Millar] and I love Greg and I was excited for him when he told me. And I’ve known about this for a while. So, for me, I couldn’t be happier for him and I’m thrilled that part of the plan we talked about was him coming back. And I talked to DC about when he comes back, I want to do something bigger and better.”

On what’s to come when he returns, Capullo is excited to crank it up to an 11 (thank you, Spinal Tap).

“I have every intention of rejoining Scott for a super project that is in development. Scott and I have always talked about how we’ve had such great success on Batman, where do we go from here? We can’t really go any higher. At best, we can move left or right, a lateral move. But then, DC had some ideas and have tapped us for this thing we’re going to do together that we feel will probably be even more explosive than what we’ve done thus far. So, this one is going to go to 11.”

As a random question, they both were asked who their favorite characters to write/draw were. Snyder seemed a little predictable.

“I like writing the Joker the best — even more than Batman sometimes. He’s my favorite. But I would say in terms of the current cast, I love Jim to death, but one character I’m really invested in is Duke Thomas, who plays a very big role in this arc and then has a big role coming up as well. I love bringing up new characters and characters that we build and seeing how they play and stick.”

Capullo’s answer was a little surprising.

“It would be a toss between Owl and Jim but maybe leaning a tad bit toward Jim when he has his glasses and his mustache. That, to me, is a great character look and it’s fun to draw. But if he’s going to stay without his mustache and glasses then I would bump him back and go with Owl.”

The latest issue of Batman is available now. You can read our review here.

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