Michael Shannon Opens Up About ‘Batman v. Superman’ Role

While an offhand comment last month made by Shannon suggested that he would have flipper hands in the upcoming Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, the actor now says that that is not the case.

In an interview with Larry King Now Shannon says he was only joking when he made the comment. “The pressure that I’m under in this situation sometimes leads me to say silly things like Zod has flippers,” says Shannon. “It was a false.. red herring, as it were.”

He expanded on his role by saying that it’s a ghost-like part very similar to how Jor-El factored into the bulk of Man of Steel. “It’s the same thing like in the first one with Jor-El. Russell Crowe’s character is kind of like a ghost… so I guess I’m a ghost, kind of.”

Shannon also explains that he does not have any scenes with Batman in the movie, which certainly makes his rumored role as Doomsday seem unlikely. It was expected by many fans that Doomsday would appear in the movie as a larger threat to unite the two heroes. Whether or not that’s still the case, it seems quite unlikely–at least from the comments made here.

Larry King’s full interview with Michael Shannon goes live on Monday, September 14th.

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice premieres March 25th, 2016

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