Batman #42 Review


Synopsis: More surprises around every corner as the all-new Batman hits the streets of Gotham City!

Batman continues its run without Bruce Wayne donning the cape and cowl. Jim Gordon is starting to settle in just a little more, and even gets his own Batmobile (sorta). He also goes toe-to-brick with a familiar face (but not to us), as we start the hunt for a supervillain. It seems like a few people being taken in to GCPD are suddenly dying, and it’s all thanks to a “seed” implanted in their bodies that is controlled by a mystery man (or woman). Gordon takes down the man in the streets, who apparently sees the same fate as the others…before showing up in a closet, face-to-face with Bruce Wayne.

In my review of last month’s issue, I said I wasn’t disappointed… I just wasn’t sure if it was a story I was that interested in. After reading this month’s issue, I’m in for the ride just because I’m such a fan of writer Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo. The team is amazing and I will read anything they create. I’m just not a huge fan of someone else behind the cowl. I can get over that, but that’s how I truly feel. Issue #42 didn’t surprise me with much, and didn’t disappoint me with much either. Snyder continues to let us know that we’re not alone in accepting this new Batman (we’re at a point where we get it, Scott) but how long do we have? We are just two issues into this arc, and we’ve seen Bruce Wayne in both issues. What’s his story? I’m sure that’ll come at a later date, but that’s the part I’m most interested in.

The writing is good, the art is good, the mystery is intriguing. That will sell comic books. Batman #42 isn’t groundbreaking, but it’s entertaining. I’m going along for the ride but hope we get the Dark Knight we deserve soon.

Rating: 7.5/10



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