Armored Batsuit to Appear at Comic-Con

With SDCC only days away every little sneak-peek is like a piece of gold. Today, something came out that is sure to get fans pumped up for this weekend. We know how the Trinity will look. The costumes have been on display before, so when Warner Bros. said the costumes would be in San Diego, I thought no big deal. It turns out that one costume in particular will be there that no one has seen up close yet- except for Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill of course. got a shot of the costumes being set up and here is a preview. Keep in mind, this is amazing!

That’s right, the Frank Miller inspired Armored Batsuit will be in your face at SDCC. Zack Snyder said he liked having Affleck be taller than Henry Cavill to really show that Supes has to look up at Batman. Seeing the armored Batsuit next to the Superman suit makes the Kryptonian look, as my Editor kindly put it, “puny.”

Everybody knows that this year in San Diego, DC will be owning the show. From Batman v Superman to Suicide Squad, a lot is going on this year for die-hard DC lovers. With those being the two feature films on the cusp of release, it is probable that they will get the most coverage. Maybe a full Dawn of Justice trailer for those in attendance (fingers crossed). Aside from the aforementioned movies, DC has a full slate of projects coming up that they could spill secrets for. Primarily, who will be playing the Green Lantern, or Green Lanterns, as the rumor has stated. Will this weekend be the weekend where they finally unite the seven?


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