WB Releases ‘Justice League: Gods and Monsters Chronicles’ Miniseries to Machinima

By now, as Batfans and loyal disciples of the wonderful DC Animated Universe, we should all know about Bruce Timm’s long-awaited return to animation, following his departure from the DC animated movies. The Justice League: Gods and Monsters Chronicles miniseries was released to Machinima’s YouTube over the week. Each 6-minute episode was meant to introduce us to the Trinity in this alternate universe where Batman is a vampire, Superman is the son of Zod, and Wonder Woman is a New God from New Genesis.

They were released over the course of three days and each one is absolutely wonderful.

Take a look at them below:

Conveniently linked above for your viewing pleasure.

Each one is unique in attempting to introduce and convey the difference between the Trinity that we’re used to and this set of heroes. Their definition of justice is not quite black and white and rather than spoil it for you folks, you should check them out and see what I mean. My eyes were welling up a bit upon viewing the Superman episode. My only real gripe, however, is that Wonder Woman’s episode focused more so upon sex than building the character.

I can’t properly describe how much these videos have delighted me. Timm’s decision to leave the DC animated movies left something to be desired. Things weren’t quite the same after he departed. There were a lot more disappointments rather than triumphs in the fairly successful line of movies. Therefore, this was reassuring. He hasn’t lost the ability to tell a beautifully compelling story… all in 6 minutes no less.  And thankfully, we’re getting more of it.

Keep ’em coming, Mr. Timm.

Justice League: Gods and Monsters will be out on July 28th, while season 2 of Justice League: Gods and Monsters Chronicles will be out in 2016

Source – Machinima YouTube

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