Rumor: Merchandise Art for ‘Batman v. Superman’ Surfaces Online

With all the Arkham Knight news coming out, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice just doesn’t seem as interesting anymore. It helps that Arkham Knight is just about a month and a half away while BvS is a year away. The contentious trailer just came out a few weeks ago, but of course, my mind is currently on the latest developments of Arkham Knight and the other big comic book movie released this weekend.

Amidst all the more spectacular news, it seems that some artwork was released online that people are speculating could be used in the merchandise for BvS. Some of them, I can see, others seems like obvious fan art. The images surfaced on several different website, but was compiled by Comic Book Resources.

The standalone artwork of Bats and Supes I can definitely see on some children’s merchandise. I’ve the seen the same style of artwork on party supplies, backpacks, and lunchboxes. However, the first three, the propaganda posters featuring both characters seem like obvious fan art. While very cool, they’re not quite kid friendly as children won’t get the reference, while it doesn’t quite fit the tone of the movies.

Also, the photo featuring Bats without his armor looks like he was slimmed down considerably. I guess he can be big in the movies, but slim and toned in the artwork.

Source –,dclivefeedImgur. (via ComicBookResources)


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